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Customised Training

Dive into our custom automotive mechanics training program, an immersive experience that will enable you to master the most advanced aspects of this exciting field. Whether you’re a beginner looking to acquire a solid foundation of basic skills or an experienced professional seeking to specialize in specific areas, our trainings are designed to meet your unique needs.

Customised Training

Training, whether remotely or on site, is the best way to gain new customers

Progress waits for no one and can be dizzying. In order to be continuously successful, efficient and competitive, it is essential to understand new automotive technologies and how they affect the various vehicle systems so that your workshop becomes more reliable and profitable, and can serve a larger customer base.

To benefit from a customised training, we invite you to choose between on site and remotely learning according to your preferences.

To benefit from a customised training, we invite you to choose between on site and remotely learning according to your preferences
Practice to improve your mechanical skills

Practice to improve your mechanical skills

Our training vehicles incorporate GEDBox technology, a real breakdowns generator developed by Grup Eina, which allows participants to immediately apply their new knowledge and skills. We also use parts and models to reproduce the reality of the workshop. The main aim is to put the participants in conditions that are as close as possible to the real thing.

To make it easier for you to manage your daily working life, we offer you :

Mecainfo customize training
Our training vehicles incorporate GEDBox technology, a real breakdowns generator developed by Grup Eina

GEDBox technology

The GEDBox technology is specially designed to perform real diagnostic and repair practices in our training vehicles. The device is integrated in the training vehicle, connecting it to different systems, so that via Bluetooth the trainer can generate the corresponding real breakdown in the vehicle. The relevant systems will fail, as in the real world, giving participants the opportunity to carry out the diagnosis and repair by applying new knowledge, techniques and skills. Participants gain confidence and efficiency in their daily operations and learn about new technologies on the market.

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